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client and server versions

For server use, a server version allowing multiple simultaneous logins, and a lightweight (small footprint) client version to access the server version's features through seems to make sense. Typically, the server version cost considerably more, but the payoff for the end user was the reduced cost of the client versions which require the server version to function.
Each computer requiring it's own key to use the features from the computer it is installed on is cool, but honestly, if that is the way I am using a program, I am only doing so because there was some sort of discounted client version that requires communication from my server installed on my other on network computers. Unlike businesses, I am not installing the smallest hard drive I can get away with to save money, so if I have keys, I am putting on the full version and not using your network features at all.

nightcloak74, 22.03.2017, 18:50
Idea status: under consideration


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